Acts 20:24 However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Catching up on the BLOG: Late July to December 2010

My children continue to remind me how long it has been since an update so I will try to keep it brief as I catch everyone up on our time in Kisumu since the last blog in July.

I think as the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words so let’s look at some of the last half of the year’s moments:

Late July and August 2010
My sister Kathy and my niece Anna came to Kenya what a blessing for us that they came. One short week we packed all we could in.
We went to the Maasai Mara which is a vast place to witness God’s creation.

Kathy and Anna were able to visit and share with several of our groups.
below a group of widows and a group in Dunga area

When Kathy and Anna were here we had showed them where we thought we were moving but our amazing and all knowing God had better plans for us than we could imagined….

August also brought our Kisumu friends Sandy and Dick to stay in our house while they were making plans for what is next in their future. Moving them out shows anything will fit on a tuk tuk. We laughed so hard as the driver put one more piece on.
We also had the privilege to visit Jackson’s church for their Baptism ceremony. John got the opportunity to speak as we gathered by the river.

Eldoret weekend-- JERUSALEM CHURCH

September 2010
We moved to the little dream cottage. Our friends Mary Lynn and Wayne introduced us to Mike Hawthorne from Australia. He has a beautiful compound and had two places for rent in his compound. Our friend Denise took one and we took the other. The perfect place and a huge savings to our budget.  This has been a big change as we are on the opposite side of town from where we work. This of course has forced me to drive in Kenya. I am reminded I can do all things through Christ. It also has open up new areas of ministry opportunities.

Our home is small and compact but perfect for our needs. So at the end of September we said goodbye to Jackson who has cared for us since we arrived. We now do all our own housework and cooking which we have really enjoyed.

We continue to support Stephen and John usually visits and gets his supplies.

Support Groups and Bibles continue each week:

The middle of September we got to go to Rondo a retreat center in the Rain Forest thanks to a friend’s donation for us to take some time away from Kisumu. It was restful and beautiful and cool and amazing food. A perfect way to spend my birthday

In Mikes Compound at the end of the month we said farewell to our friends Mary Lynn and Wayne as they returned to the USA.

October 2010

Weekend in Eldoret---SAMABUL

When we moved we started going to Calvary Chapel a new church plant a block or so from our house. Some of our missionary friends Peg and Matt are involved in this ministry. The Kenyan Pastor is very good and preaches only truth. This is very refreshing for us on the Sundays we are in Kisumu.

 The Lord continues to open up new doors of opportunity to share Christ. New HIV Support Groups. New Schools to minister to so there is no lacking of ministry. Moving has giving us opportunities in new areas of Kisumu as well.

We still are committed to giving of Bibles and discipleship of people. We still know God has called us to spread His word.

At the end of October John’s mum had a stroke which was very serious and he left to go to help in England. See how moving prepared me for being alone in Kenya I never imagined being here alone. My friends all say “you drove”? Thank you Lord for the strength each day to press on.
November 2010
Emily James and Jessica come to Kenya!!!
How thrilled we were when they called and said we are coming. Who could have imagined it would happen? God is faithful in provision.
I met them in Nairobi and we did some fun things and returned to Kisumu.

Lake Nakuru Safari—about 3- 4 hours we drove from Kisumu
Great adventures and animal sightings!

The Kids got to visit 4 HIV Support Groups and see Bibles given out.

They shared with the groups about iron sharpens iron and encourage them to continue in the word together as a group.

They got to visit Kisumu South School and play with the nursery kids and have great time sharing and talking with the high school age students.

Dunga Beach Ladies and a few gentlemen.
Mama Joyce was so excited that my children came to visit and told me after they left to tell them to write to her.

Thanksgiving in Kisumu—Fish and Chips at Kiboko Bay with Missionaries friends.
What a great time to share with family  and  friends.

We greatly missed having John with us and for them to see him in Dunga but Helen and I tried to point out places that John goes and where his groups meet so they could get an understanding of the ministry.

It is something that is hard to put into words when you have family come and they can share in the work. It was great to show them life in Kisumu and the work God continues to allow us to be apart of each day. Having adult children interested and supportive of the life we live is a blessing from the Lord.

Is is never easy to say good bye when anyone comes but to Emily, James and Jessica it was hard as it is such a joy to have time together. It passed so quickly I was glad we had pictures so I knew it really did happen.

Now John is still in England and his mum improves. I am working on getting to as many groups as possible and complete the Bibles for the month and on December 7 I am off to England until the end of December. Thanks again to generous gifts during this time of added expenses.  Our prayer is we will both return here together. We look forward to seeing our children in England around Christmas. John has not seen them yet so that is to come. We will be blessed to see Benjamin in his school play this year. He is the donkey.

We wish each of you a Joyous time celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!



  1. Connie,

    I pray for you so often. I wish I had a million dollars to send to you right now. I am not able to be in Kisimu, but my heart is there... everywhere... that so needs to know of our Lord. Todd and I both have such hearts for missions. We know someday, when God desires it, we will have the provisions. Until then a million prayers are offered in place of money, trusting God truly will do as His word says and supply every single need! Love you all so much!


  2. Great job updating, Mom!!! Thanks so much for filling everyone in, we were so encouraged by seeing your work first-hand! Love you so much & can't wait to hear about Ben in the play & Christmas in England! Love you!!

  3. Wow Connie, fantastic update. You fit a lot in, I LOVED it! I even learned a couple of new things...imagine that, there's always something exciting to know about Kenya. Well you know how much we enjoyed Africa, thanks again for sharing so much with us. We love you so much. We're sharing pictures/video and stories with our small group tonight, we can't wait to give them a little taste of Kisumu.

    Love you!

  4. What JOY! What FUN! What BLESSINGS! I know that James, Jessica & Emily must be so excited to have walked beside you in ministry and I'm sure they now feel so much more connected to your mission in Kisumu... The Blog update is GREAT, but don't be thinking that since it's so great you should just wait another 6 months before you do it again, OK? Love you guys!! 3 hearts together, forever!

  5. Great blogging Mom! We love you so much and cant wait to hear more stories about places we have actually been now! We are so proud to be your kids and know the Lord is truly working through you right now.
