Acts 20:24 However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Since we arrived in Kenya we have wanted to go to Mombasa so Feb 2-7 we got the chance. Our friend and landlord Mike rented a house and took some of his staff and we got to tag along. It was a wonderful break from the hot dry days in Kisumu. Mombasa is hotter than Kisumu but the Indian Ocean breeze is so refreshing and keeps you cool.

We ate fresh seafood almost daily. The beach was beautiful and quiet. We bobbed in the ocean to our hearts content. It was a great break. John never left the beach from the time we arrived. He was in it or looking at it.

breakfast time

Denise and I went to Mombasa to see the sights for a few hours. We saw the historic Fort Jesus and Old Town Mombasa and after an iced coffee we headed back to the beach.

If you are in Kenya we think everyone should see the Indian Ocean.

Going to Eldoret used to be such an” adventure”,,,,, the road had to be the worst in Kenya and something always happened,,,, it would take three and a half hours and quite exhausting,,,,but all that’s changed,,,,,almost the whole route is a smooth ribbon of a road that now only takes two hours and you arrive as fresh as a daisy.
We love going to Eldoret for the people and their outlook and their energy in praise and worship. We are still in the process of visiting the satellite churches in the group; they are all quite unique but all in love with the Lord.what a blessing

one of the children in the church

We were at the Kipkaren Church in February and here are a few pictures to highlight the service.

children from Sunday School singing
February News:
When we returned it was work as usual. The HIV Support groups are studying the book of Daniel and it is a challenge. My heart feels that they must learn to study the Word for themselves. They are all enjoying the Book of Daniel but many look like Kids who went to class with out doing their homework. We laugh and pray together and continue to encourage them that the Holy Spirit is their teacher and not me. Some groups are getting the idea and this week one man even wanted to write down the questions, who, what, where, when, why, and how to know what he should be looking for as he reads his Bible. Praise God when someone shows this kind of interest.

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

John continues to look for an interpreter and God continues to teach us His ways. John has been going with me to many of the Support Groups and sometimes he teaches and sometimes we both do. It is like old times working together again.

Helen is going to Dunga now with John on days we do not have groups in town so the Lord provides for what we need and in turn provides for what she needs.

We continue to give Bibles. 

Some of the groups are starting a Discipleship Book. 
The Bible League publishes these. The groups have done an Evangelistic study to receive a Bible and now this will be more of a study we can do as a group for several weeks. They will take it home and then we will discuss it when they come back to the meeting. Many people profess to know Christ it is like anywhere in the world teaching them to surrender their culture and ways to the Lord.

February brought a sad time for our compound as our friend and guard Elijah passed away. We all liked Elijah and will miss him. Another lesson in how quickly life is loss and did we take every opportunity to share Christ? Several of us had had conversations with Elijah and we believe he was a believer in Jesus Christ.

News from our family:
The surprise for us in February was that we are to be grandparents again in late July or early August. Danielle will have a baby and Benjamin will now be a big brother. So I guess most of you know where you will find us then.

We ask for your continued prayers for the gospel of Christ to reach the hearts of the people here in Kenya and for them to love God’s word so much they want to learn it and live it.
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


  1. Connie and John... you were our center focus for Brycelynn at church. They were talking about foreign missions and she wanted to share about "The people on the internet that we look at their pictures and pray for them to reach all those people in that place that starts with a K!" We keep you all close in prayer and in our hearts... you are blessing so many over there and all of us here that are in the journey through prayer! Thank you for posting! We love you!


  2. Great update mom! And great scripture. It sounds like God is really making a difference in your groups, even since we have been there. Love you!

  3. I loved each scripture given. It was such an encouragement and shows how much the Lord is teaching you and the groups you lead. So excited for Danielle too. I'm so glad you'll be there for her and for Ben as well, it will be a big change for him. But I have no doubt that he'll be the sweetest big brother :) Love you both so very much, thanks for always inspiring me!!

  4. I loved hearing about the HIV groups and their progress in studying the Word! Baby steps! But they are faithful and persevering, as are you and John. Keep up the good work! Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Love you both!
