Acts 20:24 However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Monday, September 26, 2011

June, July, August, September 2011

Dunga Beach on Lake Victoria
We have now been back in Kenya just over a week and getting back into our stride with all things Kenyan.
All is well.
Whilst in America someone shared a verse from 1Thessalonians 2:4 reminding us that we are nothing more than messengers of the Good News and that our purpose is to please God and not man,,,,,,we so easily mix these two up and become distracted from our purpose . Thanks to that person and everyone else who made us welcome with their kindnesses and generosity. We loved being with you  catching up with you and having a laugh with you all our friends and family.  Thank you!!!

Picture of one of the groups we shared with and showed pictures of the work in Kenya.
Special Family Moments in USA
During our time in England we were blessed with a second grandchild, a boy called Xan, so now Ben has a baby brother to take care of and to fit into his busy schedule. All the family are doing well, thank God.

Proud Grandad

 For five weeks we attended a little church in the village where we stayed and enjoyed a great welcome from them, we shared on our last Sunday and Ben stood up with us.  Pretty cool !

Mortonhampstead Community Church you were a blessing to us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John, you ARE looking every bit the PROUD GRANDDAD!!! Priceless pic!
